Classes & Curriculum
Northern Greenhouse Production : Stage #2
Northern communities, due to their isolation, have struggled with access to year round fresh fruits and vegetables. One solution is to produce their own products in a greenhouse. This required training and the use of industry growing techniques. The program is designed to help the communities tackle this issue and introduce them to greenhouse production to overcome the adversities of isolation.
The goal of the northern communities was to initiate a small garden then expand into a larger commercial garden. The introduction of the greenhouse is to produce essential fruits and vegetables for year round production and to compliment and provide plants for the larger outside gardens and provide plants for individual gardeners within the community. Food security is a concern.
Investing in the greenhouse would reduce the reliance on lower quality produce shipped in at at absorbent cost, eliminate shipping and handling and ensure a nutritional product. Also, employment is an issue in the north. The venture into greenhouse production would extent the employment period to not only seasonal but gradually move into full time employment.
The goal is to transition into greenhouse production for long-term employment and year round fresh produce.
Course: Northern Greenhouse Production: Stage #2
Curriculum Delivery: The program will be taught within the community with hands on working experience. I will be traveling to the northern community, delivering and teaching the program. I will be in the Greenhouse, instructing and training the individuals.
Module 1: Greenhouse Production Management
Suggested Time: 75 hrs Level: Operational
Module Overview: The purpose of this module is to train students to manage a greenhouse operation and extent the season of year round production.
Module Objectives:
• To develop knowledge of planning greenhouse production and transitioning to year round production of fruits and vegetables. This will lead to successful full time employment.
• Learn to select proper plant varieties for the greenhouse environment and self-sufficiency of bedding plant propagation for northern gardening
Learning Objectives:
Students will be trained to initiate a greenhouse and operate a greenhouse in the north. This will require training on seed ordering, hydroponics and structures, soil preparations and fertilization, transplanting and temperature control and disease management as they relate to standards and expectations of the greenhouse industry. Students are instructed on how to maintain and work a food safety program: CanadaGAP.
Working in the remote north has its challenges to implement the process. This operation requires a program that conforms to strict standards and regulations.
Module 2: Continual Practice Greenhouse Maintenance and Production
Suggested Time: 25 hrs Level: Advanced
Module Overview: The purpose of this module is to train students to be responsible for a work place that is in continual operation.
Module Objectives:
• To develop basic knowledge and responsibilities that will lead to successful employment in the greenhouse industry in these northern regions
• To create an awareness and the importance of maintaining the standards that a Greenhouse facility requires. Without these responsibilities the faculty will be deemed non-functional
Common Essential Learning’s Foundational Objectives:
• To demonstrate positive human relations and professional ethics.
• Developing an understanding of how knowledge is created, evaluated, refined, and changed within the Greenhouse industry.
Learning Objectives:
Students will be trained in the continuity of maintaining standards and following regulations for the industry. Food security is essential. Students will be trained to maintain and use high tech growing equipment. Personnel hygiene, time management, computer skills, grading, processing, packing, storage, sanitation are all-essential knowledge required for the operation to succeed. Employees have to be trained in the importance of time management. Math skills and Excel spread sheets are a large part of the industry; students will be trained to use these basic skills.
Module 3: Components of Consumer Requirements & Documentations
Suggested Time: 25 hrs Level: Advanced
Module Overview: The purpose of this module is to introduce students to the market place and product quality.
Module Objectives:
• To develop basic knowledge of quality management that may lead to successful long term employment in the greenhouse industry
• To teach trainees the importance of the consumer demand for their skills and products.
Common Essential Learning Foundational Objectives:
The importance of maintaining quality products for consumers
The importance of their skills in a developing northern industry
Learning Objectives:
Students will be trained to recognize product quality and consumer demand. Quality products are vital in the greenhouse industry. Setting standards and goals will be taught to maintain the life of the greenhouse operation. Without these aspects the business will struggle and fail. Students will be trained in communications, problem solving and over coming barriers working in the north. Students will be trained to conform to standards and production levels associated with greenhouse production set out by customers. Take pride in their work and product.
Students will be evaluated on the results of the greenhouse production. Daily records will be kept to regulate the yield and progress of the operation and consumer feed back.
All of these qualities will be assessed for future employment.
Murray Gray developed this program.